Authors Guidelines

Scientific Chronicles publish in Greek or English language articles in the following categories:

1. Editorials. Brief articles, up to 1000 words, after the invitation of the journal, with the aim of contributing to research articles published in the current issue, by widely accepted scientists on the specific matter; references should not exceed 10.

2. Reviews. Reviews, with maximum number of 3 authors and text of not more than 4000 words, whereas the references should not exceed 50.

3. Original work. Firstly published clinical or experimental studies, up to 4000 words, and with a maximum number of 10 authors, while the bibliography should not exceed 40 references.

4. Interesting case reports. New or very rare diseases, rare diseases events, application of new diagnostic criteria or new therapies with checked results, up to 1500-2000 words, with a maximum of 8 authors, while the literature should not exceed 15 references.

5. Guidelines. Presentation of guidelines that have been recently published and are related to clinical matters. The extent of the text should not exceed 3000 words, with a maximum number 2 authors and literature should not exceed 20 references.

6. Brief reports. The Editorial Board reserves the right to ask the authors to limit the extent of the work submitted and published in the form of a brief report. The text should extend up to 2000 words, while references must not exceed the 15 references.

7. Clinical problems (Quiz). We encourage the presentation, in the form of a clinical problem, interesting and rare clinical cases, which are of special interest or concern differential diagnosis in clinical or radiological findings with an educational character. The extent of the text should not exceed 800 words and the literature the 5 references.

8. Symposiums. These involve publication of articles on a particular topic published in an entire issue. They are organized after the invitation and with the coordination of the Editorial Board at least 6 months before the expected publication.

9. Letters to the Editor. They concerning research results, observations of adverse effects of medicines, criticism of the journal etc. Their size should not exceed 500 words and may be accompanied by 5 at most bibliographic references. Insofar as they are related to criticism of published articles, the Editorial Office publishes them in parallel, as well as the response of the authors.

10. Short literature updates. Brief summaries of 350 words, approximately 4-6, of interesting articles published in reputable international journals and are related to interesting clinical matters

Paper Submission

The process of submission, peer review and publication of all papers is FREE OF CHARGE.

Upon receipt, every paper submitted receives a number which is sent to authors and which should be used henceforth in any communication with the journal.

Each submitted work is accompanied by an accompanying statement in order to be considered for peer review for publication. After acceptance for publication the copyright of the article is transferred to the journal.

Electronic Submission of papers

Please submit your manuscript by clicking on the following link:



Guidelines for text preparation

Submitted papers must be typed with font Arial, single-spaced, and using the following structure:

1. Title page. Includes: a. The title of the article, which must not be greater than15 words. Abbreviations should not be used in the title. On the other hand the use of internationally accepted symbols are allowed b. Authors’ names, positions and academic titles (first the name and then the surname), c. Department’s name (affiliation), d. The address, telephone, and e-mail  of the responsible for correspondence with the journal author.

2. Abstract. Reviews and original articles should be accompanied by a Greek and English abstract of 250-400 words. Brief reports and interesting case reports should be accompanied by a 200 words abstract. More specifically, abstracts of original articles should be divided into four sections, each of which is in order of the following heading: BACKGROUND - AIM, MATERIAL-METHODS, RESULTS, and CONCLUSIONS. Word or phrase abbreviations are permitted provided they are explained in parentheses in the first occurrence. Additionally, 2-5 keywords from Index Medicus & the Mesh should be provided.

3. Main text. Original articles should be divided in the following sections: (a) Introduction, (b) Material and Methods, (c) Results and (d) Discussion. Case reports should be divided in the following sections: (a) Introduction, (b) Case presentation and (c) Comment.  Brief reports should be divided in the following sections: (a) Introduction, (b) Material and Methods, and (c) Results and Discussion. Word or phrase abbreviations are permitted, provided they are explained in parenthesis in the first occurrence. Abbreviations in the text should be mandatory explained even when the same explanation in the summary has been made.

4. Acknowledgments. Refers only to people with contribution to the research or writing of the article.

5. References. The bibliographical references in the text are numbered with a serial number in the order of their occurrence and placed within brackets. In the same order and the same number listed in the library catalog, which contains all the references of the text. All references should be separated by one space. If names are referenced in the text only the surname of the first author should be written. When the authors are more than six, the 3 first are referenced followed by the abbreviation "et al".

References relating to medical journals are listed in the following order: first and last names with the initial letter of the name (without dots) of the authors, the title of the article, the official (Index Medicus) abbreviation of the name of the journal (without dots), year of publication, volume number (issue number is not listed, but only the number of the supplement), the first and last page of the publication, as in the following example:

De Keulenaer BL, Regli, Dabrowski W, et al . Does femoral venous pressure measurement correlate well with intrabladder pressure measurement? A multicenter observational trial. Intensive Care Med. 2011;37:1620-1627.

When reference is to a book: the name of the author and title, edition number, publisher, place of publication, year of publication and reference pages, as in the example:

Nunn JF. Applied physiology. 2nd ed. McGraw Hill, New York, 1977: 50 – 65.

If you are referring to a chapter book as in the following example:

Massy SG, Klein KL. Effects of bile duct ligation on renal function. In: Epstein M (ed) The kidney in liver disease. Elsevier, New York, 1978: 58 – 82.

6. Figures. All photos, diagrams, shapes, etc. are attached as separate files, are referred to in the text where they correspond and are numbered in consecutive Arabic numerals. Authors should sent them electronically in the form of a JPEG or TIFF or when they are submitted by post, on the back of each original image a marked sticker, showing the name of the first author of the article, the number of the figure and of the upper part of the picture indicated by an arrow. All images should have figure legends that contain short title and the necessary explanations. Figure legends should be written altogether on a separate page at the end of the text to be submitted. When it comes to photographs of patients, they should be such that it cannot be recognized. Additionally, it is necessary to send the patient's consent for publication of the photo.

7. Tables. The number of tables should be limited to the absolutely necessary. The results of the paper contained in the tables should not be repeated in the Results section nor be repeated in the figures and vice versa. All tables are referred to in the text and numbered in consecutive Arabic numerals. Tables are typed in single space on a separate page and placed on the end of the text, after the references. The extent of each table must not exceed one page. All tables must have captions, which are written at the top of the page. Vertical lines are used to separate the columns, while the use of horizontal lines shall be limited to the absolutely necessary. Each column bears a brief explanatory heading. Abbreviations should be avoided and any explanations refer to at the end of the table.